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Circular vs Rectangular Tanks

June 19 2024

When selecting a tank one of the first and most crucial decisions you’ll encounter is choosing between a round or square tank. Each type has its own set of advantages and is better suited for specific applications.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of circular vs rectangular tanks to help you select the right tank based on your needs.

Benefits of Circular Tanks

1. Structural Integrity

Round tanks have a natural advantage when it comes to structural integrity. The circular design allows for even distribution of stress across the tank walls, reducing the risk of weak points and potential failure.

Their shape also allows circular tanks to handle wind loads better, meaning they are the preferred choice for outdoor installations and cyclonic wind regions.

2. Easy Maintenance

Maintenance is often easier with round tanks. Their shape reduces the build-up of debris in corners and the lack of internal elements like tie-rods makes cleaning more straightforward.

The result is lower operational costs over time, as cleaning processes are quicker and more effective compared to square tanks.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

Due to their structural efficiency, circular tanks often require less material to achieve the same volume as square tanks. The absence of internal structures like tie-rods, means round tanks incur a lower cost per cubic metre compared to rectangular tanks.

Moreover, the reduced maintenance and cleaning costs over the tank’s lifetime contribute further to its cost-effectiveness.

Benefits of Rectangular Tanks

1. Space Efficiency

Rectangular tanks are highly efficient in terms of space utilization, especially in rectangular or square areas. They can be placed close to walls and corners, minimizing wasted space.

This makes them ideal for facilities where space is at a premium. For instance, in densely packed plant rooms, rectangular tanks can be arranged to maximize storage capacity without leaving gaps.

2. Scalability and Modular Design

Rectangular tanks can be easily scaled and combined in modular systems. This is particularly useful in industrial applications where different volumes of storage are needed.

Modular square tanks allow for flexibility in design and capacity adjustments as the needs of the facility change. In industries where demand may change over time, modular square tanks provide the ability to expand or reduce capacity as needed.

This scalability ensures that the infrastructure can adapt to changing requirements without significant overhauls or additional construction.

Choosing the Right Tank for Your Needs

Deciding between circular vs rectangular tanks ultimately depends on your specific needs and circumstances.

The most popular choice are circular tanks, as they are easier to maintain and can be install for a lower cost. Round tanks are also better at tolerating wind loads, making them the clear option for outdoor installations.

However, in facilities where space optimization is critical, rectangular tanks may be the preferred choice. Moreover, they offer the flexibility of modular design and scalability.

Explore Our Custom Tank Solutions

At Allied Pumps, we design and install both circular and rectangular tanks to meet each industry’s diverse requirements. Our selection includes tanks made from high-quality materials, such as hot dip galvanised steel, to ensure durability and long-term performance.

Discover more about our storage tanks and check out our past projects involving both circular tanks and rectangular tanks.

For any information regarding our custom tank solutions, don’t hesitate to contact our team or give us a call at 1800 335 550.

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