R134a refrigerant with low global warming potential
Materials in contact with water complies with AS4020
System design to maintain tank water temperature at <25°C as per Department of Health guidelines
Slows down the natural reduction or ‘gassing off’ of residual chlorine through reduced water temperature.
Inhibits the growth of bacteria through reduced water temperature. (For example, Legionella survives in temperatures of 20-50°C and thrives in 25-42°C.)
Helps prevent water going ‘stale’ through circulation and temperature reduction.
Enhances the quality of consumer experience when washing or drinking.
Configuration options:
In-line chilling available with secondary heat exchange
Duty/standby chillers and/or circulator pumps
Outdoor rated unit
Containerised packages with distribution pumpsets
Integration with full range of ALLIED PUMPS treatment and remote monitoring packages
Historical trending and data logging
Temperature alarm
System set up to utilise energy from existing chiller system if available